MarketGrader U.S. Growth Compounders Index

*Inception date: March 1, 2012.

Calendar Year Total Returns
INDEX MG U.S. Growth Compounders (PR) MG U.S. Growth Compounders (TR)
2024 23.5% 25.7%
2023 22.4% 24.5%
2022 -18.7% -17.4%
2021 24.3% 25.7%
2020 20.4% 22.5%
2019 30.7% 32.3%
2018 -1.5% -0.1%
2017 24.9% 26.5%
2016 7.0% 8.8%
2015 -0.1% 1.3%
2014 13.4% 14.9%
2013 35.2% 36.9%
Cumulative Returns - through 03/13/2025
Price Return Total Return
YTD -5.5% -5.0%
1 Year 1.1% 3.2%
3 Years 38.7% 46.1%
5 Years 106.0% 123.1%
10 Years 197.1% 245.8%
Since Inception 344.9% 440.6%

Annualized Returns - through 03/13/2025
Price Return Total Return
3 Years 11.3% 13.2%
5 Years 15.6% 17.4%
10 Years 11.5% 13.2%
Since Inception 12.2% 13.9%

Standard Deviation - through 03/13/2025
Price Return Total Return
3 Years 16.7% 16.5%
5 Years 17.8% 17.6%
10 Years 15.1% 15.0%
Since Inception 14.1% 14.0%

Sharpe Ratio - through 03/13/2025
Price Return Total Return
3 Years 0.68 0.80
5 Years 0.88 0.99
10 Years 0.76 0.88
Since Inception 0.86 0.99

All returns in U.S. Dollars

The U.S. Growth Compounders Index index was first published on March 1, 2022. All estimated daily historical closing prices prior to that date are based on back-testing (i.e., calculations of how the index might have performed in the past if it had existed). Backtested performance information is purely hypothetical and is solely for informational purposes. Backtested performance does not represent actual performance, and should not be interpreted as an indication of actual performance. Past performance is not indicative of future results.

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